About Us

ForLifeIllinois.com exists for several reasons.

First, it exists to raise awareness about the State of Illinois and the impact our state laws are having. For example, are you aware that if you pay taxes in Illinois, your taxes are supporting abortions through Medicaid?

Second, it exists to create connection with local faith-based pregnancy centers. These centers are places of refuge, resources, and relationships for women in crisis. Did you know that faith-based pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics nearly 3 to 1 in the State of Illinois?

Third, it exists to wake up the church. As Christ followers, we believe that life is precious, and our lives should reflect that, not just in our immediate lives but also in the greater communities in which we live, and in our state.

If your faith-based pregnancy resource center would like to be featured by For Life Illinois, or if you or your organization would like to help sponsor a portion of our production costs, please contact us for more information.

If you need pregnancy help, Illinois Right to Life can help connect you to a nearby pregnancy resource center.

We are working in coordination with Vision 2020, a coalition of Pregnancy Resource Centers across the state of Illinois.